Anna Stuart

Executive coach, leadership mentor, thinking partner, and strategic advisor to leaders in academia, healthcare, government, professional practice, family business and ministry.

Passionate about developing leaders, strategies, organizations, and ideas.

Fueled by faith, hope, and a desire to serve.

Anna Stuart

Meet Anna

With more than 25 years of experience leading executive searches, coaching, and advising leaders in complex contexts, I have established a strong reputation for helping organizations and individuals to realize their goals. I use questions and curiosity, complemented by frameworks that are grounded in experience and research, to walk alongside my clients as they define, refine, pursue and achieve their objectives.
As co-owner of an executive search and HR consulting firm, I led and managed the firm’s growth and national expansion. I’ve been a consulting partner and principal with two large public accounting and consulting firms and have held senior leadership roles in the public sector.
I am a Certified Executive Coach and Associate Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation, a Fellow of the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada, a Fellow Certified Management Consultant, and have a Master of Business Administration Degree. I am certified to interpret Gallup Clifton Strengths assessments, the Hogan Assessment, and the Management Research Group LEA Self-Assessment and LEA 360 Assessment.
I am passionate about people and service. I currently serve on the Board of the Network of Sacred Heart Schools and as chair of the Pastoral Council of Saint Benedict Parish. Previously, I have served as Chair of the Sacred Heart School of Halifax, the International Women’s Forum (Atlantic Chapter) and Brigadoon Children’s Camp and as a Director on the Boards of the Nova Scotia Health Authority Board, the Nova Scotia Community College Board, and Divine Renovation Ministry (where I also served on team for two years to build out the ministry’s global footprint across 5 countries).

I am a mother, wife, daughter, sister, mentor, learner, and servant-leader.


Are you stuck or stumped?

Are you facing a situation or issue that has you stuck or stumped? Have you tried to think your way through, but cannot get to the right answer? Do you know the options but can't pick the right one? Do you know what needs to happen but can't get started?

I can help

I’ve walked with thousands of leaders to help them get unstuck and to work through challenging issues in complex circumstances. Let’s spend 90 minutes together talking through what’s happening, what you desire, the options, and how you can move forward. I will guide you with pre-session reflection questions so that your time in conversation with me is focused, productive and action-oriented. You can expect to walk away with new insights and action steps to get you unstuck and moving forward.

Are you ready for the next thing?

Is your heart calling you to something new? To something more? Do you want to move in a different direction but don’t know exactly where or how to start? Have you just stepped into a new leadership role and want to set off on the right foot?

I can help

Having advised leaders across a range of roles, organizations and seasons, I bring experience and insight around charting the right course, planning and developing leadership competencies and getting results. Through a 4 or 6-month coaching program, we can walk together to clarify your leadership objectives and goals and map the path forward. I will guide you in this journey and be your thinking partner and companion as you take your first next steps. You can expect to have defined clear objectives for your leadership and how you will have impact as a leader along with a plan for realizing these objectives and impact.

Do you need to shift the pattern?

Are you caught in a set of patterns or circumstances that don’t allow you to be your best? Do you see yourself or others repeating the same unhelpful or unhealthy behaviours? Are you tired of the hamster wheel of working hard but getting nowhere?

I can help

Having been an advisor to hundreds of organizations, I have gained insights and understanding of how these patterns emerge and more importantly, how to break free and move forward. Through a 3 or 4-month individual or group coaching program, we will clarify the patterns, identify underlying causes, create options and action plans for change, and journey towards this change. You can expect new awareness that illuminates the path to shifting the old pattern and action steps to enable you to break through.

Do you want clarity?

Are you wondering what is holding you back? Is there a disconnect between your expectations of your leadership and the results you are seeing? Is your impact as a leader inconsistent from your intent? Are others not seeing or experiencing the best of you?

I can help

I am certified and experienced in interpreting a number of assessment tools and approaches to bring objective language and insight to help you understand yourself and how others experience you. Together we can identify the nature of the insight that would be helpful for you, the right tools and approaches to getting this insight and then explore together where the insight leads you. You can expect greater clarity about you as leader and an action plan to help you align your natural instincts and gifts for maximum impact.

Are you invited to an interview?

Excited to be invited for a job interview? Are you unsure about how to present your experience and competencies for maximum impact? Has it been so long since you have been interviewed that you are not sure what to expect?

I can help

As an executive recruiter, I have interviewed thousands of leaders and facilitated hundreds of interviews. Using a three-step process – prepare, practice, perfect – I will coach and advise you on how to present your best self at the interview. You can expect to gain insight into interviews and confidence to be your best at your interview.

Need experience-based advice?

Are you facing a strategic challenge or tough decision? Are you trying to chart the path forward for your organization or your team? Do you need to build your team's capacity and capability to realize your strategy? Do you need a thinking partner?

I can help

As a business-owner, executive, leader, and coach, I bring a depth and breadth of experience in working with organizations and their leaders on strategic, operational, organizational, leadership, and governance projects. Let’s talk about what you need and how I can help.

My Promise

Your Learning
Our work together will be fueled by curiosity in service of your learning, growth and development. I invite you to bring an open mind and open heart to this journey, as will I. In our coaching conversations, I will ask you questions, provide frameworks and, with your permission, share ideas from my experience in having coached, interviewed, assessed and advised more 3,000 leaders.
Your Objectives
I believe that you know yourself best and my coaching will be offered in support of your achieving your uniquely defined objectives. I believe you have the ability and the solutions, and, with my guidance as coach, you will be able to find the right path to realizing your goals.
Your Context
In our work together, we will focus not only on what you want to achieve but why it matters. I will encourage and support you in seeing the bigger picture and the connections between your leadership and those you lead and work with.
Your Investment
Our work in our coaching sessions will only be a part of the work we do together. I will expect you, and you should expect me, to invest time, energy and thought in this relationship outside of our coaching sessions.
Your Desired Return
I believe you need and deserve to realize a return on your investment of time and money from our work together. At the outset, we will establish clear expectations for what we will each invest and expect in our relationship, and we will check in to ensure that we remain focused on this return.


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